About Us

Our Pledge

We pledge to protect and conserve the natural resources of the planet Earth and promise to promote education so that we may become caretakers of our air, water, forests, land, and wildlife.

Club Officers

Co-Presidents: Landry Wildwind & Louise Moises
First Vice President: Karen Euston
Second Vice President: Bernadette Garcia-Roger
Recording Secretaries

General Meeting: Marianne Aubert

Board Meeting: Bonnie MacKenzie

Corresponding Secretary: Rosemary Blaylock
Treasurer: Pam Austin
Historian: Joyce Hennessey
Parliamentarian: Martha Jackson

Thymes Newsletter

Thymes Editors: Robin Mitchell / Martha Jackson
Deadline: 3rd Monday of the month
Distribution: Robin Mitchell

Website: www.elcerritogardenclub.org
Email: poppies@elcerritogardenclub.org

Our Mission

At the El Cerrito Garden Club our mission is simple: to preserve and protect nature.


Dues: $30 / year

Organized and Federated: 1956-1957

A Nonprofit Organization - CGCI Group Exemption # 5358

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