In memory of our beloved friend, Barbara Post. 1935-2024

Active and cherished Garden Club member since 1993.

A Beautiful Lady Passes

When I joined the garden club in 2009, Barbara was already a past president. She served in 1998-2000, one of several posts she held over the years. As a new member I was unsure what I could bring to the club and I was in awe of Barbara’s command of many skills. She never made me feel inadequate, but she went out of her way to welcome me and supported any efforts I made. One of the things she did was chair Flower Arrangements, soliciting and encouraging us all to bring flowers to the meetings and any other events. Her skills in that area were breathtaking. She and Bob Post were still traveling around the country as professional flower arrangement judges. While Bob really focused on modern arrangements with unusual materials such as woven flax and structural branches in neutral colors, Barbara’s tastes ranged from classic, lush English Garden arrangements to vases full of one or two colors to simple posies with miniature blossoms. She loved nature and it showed in everything she did. She gave lessons in flower arranging frequently at club meetings.

One memorable event that Barbara organized was an English High Tea, done in order to host the Bay Bridges meeting one year. The tea was a fundraiser, and we provided amazing treats from sandwiches with the crusts removed, cut into elegant fingers, to every imaginable dessert. The round tables were dressed in spectacular tablecloths, many of them from Barbara’s personal collection, with antique bone china and real silverware. Of course, the flowers were magnificent.

And then there were the budget meetings, held at Barbara’s, where she supported this joyless-sounding business event with delicious luncheons from her own kitchen. She even included gluten free items for those of us who couldn’t enjoy her excellent baking.

Perhaps the most wonderful thing she did was to create the Club’s own Bouquets to Art event. It was intimidating to try to participate, after visiting the DeYoung Museum’s show. I recall how encouraging she was to all of us to attempt the combination of art (or poetry) and an arrangement that spoke to the art piece we selected. I can’t imagine how she convinced so many of us to participate, but every year the event had many entries. She and Bob would do a critique of the entries, but Barbara was very positive, careful to make each of us feel that our offering was valued and interesting, whatever it was. We went away feeling encouraged to do it again the following year. After Bob’s death, Barbara made a gift to the club in Bob’s memory, creating a drawing for participants in Bouquets to Art. She didn’t want it to be a competitive prize because she felt that such a prize would discourage too many of us and Barbara’s every effort for the club was to support and encourage us all.

I’ll miss Barbara at every meeting, even the Bay Bridges District meetings, where she often attended and contributed flowers or lessons in the use of natural materials. Everywhere I participate in the club, Barbara’s spirit is there offering guidance, kindness and inclusion. I think of her as a fairy godmother, blessing us all as we continue in her path.

Landry Wildwind

Barbara Post was a beautiful and dear person. She and her husband Bob were instrumental in inspiring so many of us with their unique flower designs. Her calling as a teacher (she taught Home Economics—remember that class?) gave her the insight to call up the best in each of us to get in touch with the Creative Mojo. Her kind comments were always there to encourage and find the best in our creations and in ourselves. Her contributions to the club were numerous and her caring heart will be sorely missed.

Loving thoughts to her family,

Tanya Edgar

Memory of Barbara Post, a mentor, a colleague and precious friend.

I first met Barbara shortly after joining the garden club in 2010. I wanted to learn all the activities of the club so I signed up to help at a plant sale, and then went to a meeting of the herb group. She was leading the group, asked me if I was interested in joining. When I said yes, she handed me a folder with "the rules" and asked for $2. I also lucked out and the club cookbook had just been published and was there for purchase. What a deal. I bought 4 since the holidays were coming. I discovered that she and I had the same recipe for sweet/hot mustard. It was a great time. Barbara then asked if I would follow her home and take her plants for the sale. When I got to her house she showed me the plants, first checking to make sure they were well rooted, and we loaded them into my car. Then she gave me a garden tour (her garden is fabulous). She was showing me her succulents. I was excited as I had just bought my first aeonium. When she got to one she had a lot of she asked if I wanted a piece of it and proceeded to yank off a piece. I said wow, I thought you had to BUY them! She said just let it callous off and stick it in the ground. That started me off on building my own collection of succulents and of course joining the succulent group. Shortly after that I was at Stinson Beach and came upon a gorgeous red and green aeonium that really seemed a bit overgrown. I was able to discreetly reach underneath and get a small piece. I still have both those succulents in my garden as do many of the club members.

Barbara has been a huge force for our club. As a professional floral design judge, she has taught us all about flower arranging. She pushed at me enough that I agreed to "try" although this is clearly not my strong suit. As a former teacher, she has mastered the art of constructive criticism better than most. I always learned something when she would describe what she observed when we did our "Bouquets to Art".I will certainly continue to try this in her memory!

Thank you Barbara!

Anna Frankfurt

In Memory of Barbara Post

I am greatly saddened by the loss of dear Barbara.  She was one of the first members to greet me and encourage me to participate.  I loved seeing her and her husband, Bob, at meetings, particularly when they hosted the Bouquets to Art.  Barbara warmly welcomed me into her home for projects and herb group meetings. She enjoyed presenting information about herbs, and when she came to my house, she always brought a thoughtful little gift.  She loved her garden and was happy to share it with others. I know she devoted many hours to the garden club and served in many capacities over the years.  I will miss her enthusiasm for the club, her warm hugs and smiling face. Her kindness and love will remain in my heart, inspiring me to be an active member and in general, to be a better person. 

Louise Moises